Heat Transfer Fusing Paper

Transfer papers function as a medium for printing. It's used mainly where printing is difficult on different surfaces. It's easier to print on Paper and then transfer the print to that surface. On transfer papers printing can be done by Silk Screen, Offset, Gravure, Flexography etc. First printing is done on the transfer papers. After which the printed image/matter is transferred to any surface like textiles, metals, ceramics, plastics, etc by application of heat. Heat can be applied by means of a heat press or an iron. Plastisol Ink is used and most people do it by screen printing.

More popularly called Textile Transfers or Heat transfers or 'T' shirt Transfers or Transfer fusing papers: for transfering the printed image (mainly by screen printing) by application of heat. For printing on fabrics,T-Shirts etc. Available both in reel and sheet form.